Stay Safe During Hurricane Season: Must-Have Supplies and Tools

Zippy Sandler
4 min readApr 6, 2024


This post contains links to products that I suggest. We do get a commission if you purchase through these links and thank you for doing so.

I don’t know what I was thinking when I first moved to Florida. Having lived through blizzards with whiteouts, hurricanes, and nor’easters I figured that the Sunshine State would be…well, SUNNY. I arrived to get a 1–2–3 punch within a month of moving south. That’s right THREE HURRICANES in a row. I was living on the third floor in a beachfront condo and if you think that sand can’t get through sliders facing NORTH (like I thought), you’d be as wrong as I was. I had a living room full of sand, no power for a week, and no generator for the elevator. Yup, we roughed it for a while. It was a lesson learned.

When we finally bought our home we decided that beachfront was beautiful, but if there was ONE thing that we could be sure of, it was that we would be hit with hurricanes again and again. While I do have hurricane shutters now and I keep 2 weeks worth of canned food and water stored in our garage at all times, there are still things that we need.

So, each year, we ready ourselves and our homes for the potential impact of hurricanes and tropical storms (which we’ve seen cause just as much damage). We learned that preparation is key to ensuring the safety and well-being of ourselves, our loved ones, as well as our neighbors. Over these past years here, I’ve put together a list of items to check before the season begins.

Emergency Kit Essentials

When a hurricane strikes, access to basic necessities may become limited. It’s just a fact. That’s why it’s crucial to assemble an emergency kit well in advance. Here are some essential items to include:

  • Food and Water: Stock up on non-perishable foods such as canned goods, dry fruits, nuts, and granola bars. I like to keep shelf-stable milk and protein drinks, as well as protein bars stocked as well. Aim for a supply that can sustain you and your family for at least three days. Additionally, you should have at least one gallon of water per person per day to ensure an adequate hydration supply.
  • Medication and First Aid Supplies: Pack a sufficient supply of prescription medications, as well as a basic first aid kit containing bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and any necessary medical supplies. You can pick up ready-made first-aid kits on Amazon.
  • Flashlights and Batteries: Ensure you have multiple flashlights with extra batteries. Avoid candles, as they pose a fire hazard. I keep a camping lantern in the house and grab inexpensive ones for each room at the dollar store.
  • Small Fans: In the event of power loss, especially in hot and humid climates like Florida, having small battery-powered fans can provide relief from the heat. The problem is that if you’re in a hot stuffy house, you’ll be wishing you had a BIG fan. I keep one of those available to use with my portable power station.
  • Radio: A battery-operated or hand-crank radio is essential for staying informed about weather updates, evacuation orders, and other critical information.
  • Portable Power Stations: In addition to traditional emergency supplies, investing in modern technologies can greatly enhance your hurricane preparedness. Portable power stations provide a reliable source of electricity during power outages. These portable power stations are compact, lightweight, and equipped with multiple outlets to charge various devices simultaneously (hence the large fan, a lamp, and being able to charge our cell phones and laptops over and over and over again).

The Daranener Portable Power Station is a versatile solution for powering essential electronics, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, and small appliances, during emergencies. With its lithium-ion battery and multiple charging ports, including AC, DC, and USB, it offers convenience and peace of mind when traditional power sources are unavailable. Its portability allows for easy transportation, whether you’re sheltering in place or evacuating to a safer location.

Safety Measures

Aside from gathering supplies, it’s essential to take proactive measures to ensure your safety during a hurricane. Here are some additional safety tips to consider:

  • Secure Your Home: Reinforce windows and doors, trim trees and shrubs, and secure loose outdoor items to minimize potential damage from high winds. Check your hurricane shutters to make sure you have all of the hardware to put them up.
  • Create an Evacuation Plan: Familiarize yourself with evacuation routes and have a predetermined plan for where you will go if ordered to evacuate. Make note of the shelters in the area and make sure to include arrangements for pets and individuals with special needs.
  • Stay Informed: Monitor weather forecasts and heed advice from local authorities. Sign up for emergency alerts via text message or smartphone apps to receive timely updates.
  • Prepare Your Property: Clear gutters and drains to prevent water buildup and potential flooding. Trim tree branches and clean up any debris around the house. Consider installing a generator or portable power station to maintain essential services during extended power outages.

Preparing for hurricane season requires foresight, planning, and the right tools and supplies. By assembling an emergency kit, investing in a portable power station, and following safety measures, you can better protect yourself and your loved ones from the impacts of severe storms. Remember, it’s never too early to start preparing. Take action now to ensure your readiness for whatever the hurricane season may bring.

Stay safe, stay informed, and be prepared.



Zippy Sandler

70-year-old travel and lifestyle blogger sharing tips on how to live your best life NOW!